showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Youkai Club  Jaleco1987This game instantly reminded me of the first [game=#7647]Castlevania[/game] game. "Youkai Club" is a mostly linear game. Some of the levels/rooms are side-scrolling and others are vertically scrolling. You kill enemies with your throwing knives/daggers. You can get experience from killing enemies and collecting red balls they leave behind or by finding special book items. With higher experience you upgrade you firepower. The graphics have enough variety most of the time and the music is decent. However the game also has strange jump controls that I didn't like. Many enemies are too hard to kill, especially at the beginning. The difficulty level is quite high. In the end it is what you might call an average game. Players who like Castlevania-style games might want to give it a try. labelimageminimize
Momotarō Densetsu: Peach Boy Legend  Hudson Soft1987"Momotarou Densetsu" is the first of many Momotarou RPG from Hudson Soft. Gameplay mechanics are very similar to the first [url=]Dragon Quest[/url] game. Despite the lack of originality, Hudson Soft delivered a well programmed game with decent graphics and music. Definitely worth a look for fans of classic JRPG's. labelimageminimize
Gegege no Kitarō 2: Youkai Gundan no Chousen  Bandai (Tose)1987The second game based on the Gegege no Kitaro series for the Famicom is no longer a platform game but a RPG. The RPG mechanics are rather limited. You can find and use friends in combat but they are not complete party members but ony work as "abilities". There are not shops or towns as in other RPGs. This lack of depth doesn't make the game easy though. It has some hard and not obvious puzzles to work out where to find and use what item. The overworld (resembling Japan) has a very complicated design, with lots of different mountain ranges and height levels. A castle or dungeon entrance could be only three steps away, but to actually able to reach it could be quite a long way. On the way to boss fights its also nearly a must to run away from all fights (which works most of the time), because otherwise you will be too low on resources to fight the boss. Grinding periods are needed at times and is a mixed-bag. On the one hand there are only ten levels and the xp to reach them seems to be low. On the other hand the normal enemies give only very few xp so it is not as fast as you might think. Technically the game is ok, graphics and music are not outstanding but nice enough. labelimageminimize